Fiziol. rast. genet. 2024, vol. 56, no. 3, 230-253, doi:

Features of light induction of gas exchange in wheat leaves under drought of different duration and during the recovery period

Kiriziy D.A., Kedruk A.S., Sokolov­ska-Sergiienko О.G., Makharynska N.M., Stasik O.O.

  • Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 31/17 Vasylkivska St., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

In order to find ways to further improve the functioning of photosynthetic and stomatal apparatus under changing environmental conditions, the peculiarities of induction processes dynamics of CO2 and H2O gas exchange parameters in flag leaves of wheat plants of two genotypes contrasting in drought resistance were investigated at changes in lighting both under drought conditions and during the recovery period. Plants of winter bread wheat varieties Chygyrynka and Sofia Kyivska were grown under the conditions of pot experiment. Temperature and lighting were natural. The plants were subjected to a 7-day drought (30 % FC) during the flowering period. After that, the soil moisture in the pots with experimental plants was restored to the control level (70 % FC), which was maintained until the end of the growing season. Induction curves of flag leaves photosynthesis and transpiration were recorded after keeping them in the dark for 30 minutes. At the end of this period, the dark respiration rate was recorded and the light was turned on. CO2 and H2O gas exchange indices were recorded at 10-minute intervals. The total lighting time was 60 minutes. Genotypic differences in the dynamics of CO2 assimilation and transpiration induction in winter wheat leaves during the transition from darkness to light were revealed. Drought had a significant effect on the induction dynamics, in particular, it reduced the increase in gas exchange rate and its final value under light saturation, while genotypic differences were more contrasted. The photosynthetic apparatus of wheat leaves of the drought-tolerant variety (Sofia Kyivska) was able to adapt to short-term moderate drought and recover almost completely after its termination. In the sensitive variety (Chygyrynka), this ability was expressed less, which led to a significant decrease in grain productivity of plants. It was found that suppression of CO2 assimilation rate in wheat leaves under drought conditions was more due to its negative effect on the photosynthetic apparatus of the mesophyll cells than on the functioning of the stomata. The water use efficiency during photosynthesis decreases in plants exposed to stressor. In the drought-tolerant variety, this index quickly recovered to the control level, and in the sensitive variety, it remained significantly lower even a week after the end of the drought.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., winter bread wheat, drought, photosynthesis, transpiration, light induction, productivity

Fiziol. rast. genet.
2024, vol. 56, no. 3, 230-253

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