Fiziol. rast. genet. 2023, vol. 55, no. 4, 355-367, doi:

The influence of sulfate ammonium on the retardant activity of trinexapacethyl on wheat

Mykhalska L.M., Makoveychuk T.I., Tretiakov V.O., Schwartau V.V.

  • Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 31/17 Vasylkivska St., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

Controlling lodging in cereals and other crops with retardants is an important part of achieving high productivity and profitability in agricultural production. In addition to their retardant activity and numerous morphological and physiological effects, their research in the area of xenobiotic metabolism regulation is promising, especially when used in formulations with other pesticides and agrochemicals. However, the effect of cyclohexanedione derivatives on stem shortening, particularly on the reduction of upper internodes from the spike, can reduce carbon pools that are redistributed to generative organs with a corresponding reduction in productivity. This effect can be particularly pronounced with high doses of retardant and moisture deficit in the second half of the growing season. The effect of the well-known adjuvant ammonium sulphate on the efficacy of trinexapac-ethyl on durum wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants of the Zymoyarka variety under foliar application was studied. It was shown that the height of wheat plants under the effect of a growth regulator (retardant Moddus, 0.6 l/ha) in the BBCH 37 stage was 26 % lower than the untreated control and 18.8 cm lower than plants treated with ammonium sulphate. Combined application of ammonium sulphate with trinexapac-ethyl on wheat variety Zymoyarka reduced plant height by 35.8 % (23.7 cm) compared to the water-treated control. The reduction in plant height was due to shortening of the length of the 4th and 5th internodes, up to 53—57 % compared to the untreated control. It was found that treatment of wheat plants of the Zymoyarka variety with the retardant in combination with ammonium sulphate led to some improvement in the assimilative capacity of the leaves by increasing the chlorophyll content and prolonging the growing season, and increasing the weight of 1000 grains. The weight of 1000 grains in the combined application of trinexapac-ethyl + ammonium sulphate was 35.5 g, in the control — 31.3 g. Thus, trinexapac-ethyl in combination with ammonium sulphate can be used to increase wheat productivity under limited mineral nutrition. Taking into account the possible negative effect of high doses of TE on productivity, the use of ammonium sulphate allows the necessary levels of lodging control to be achieved at moderate doses of the retardant. In addition, foliar application of ammonium can be part of the nitrogen nutrition of the crop during the growing season.

Keywords: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), trinexapac-ethyl, ammonium sulphate

Fiziol. rast. genet.
2023, vol. 55, no. 4, 355-367

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