Fiziol. rast. genet. 2018, vol. 50, no. 1, 77-82, doi:


Dovgajuk-Semenuk M.V., Velychko O.I., Terek O.I.

  • Ivan Franko Lviv National University 4 Hrushevsky St., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine

The problem of soil industrial pollution with oil and mechanisms of plant organisms’ adaptation to modified soil conditions are considered. The effect of oil polluted soil on the glutamate syntase pathway enzymes’ activity in the Trifolium pratense L. plants was investigated. It was revealed that under the influence of oil polluted soil conditions the glutamine synthetase activity had grown on the primary stages of growth both in leaves and roots of red clover plants. Increase of glutamine synthetase activity under the influence of oil polluted soil conditions in the plants on the early stage of development (stage of cotyledon leaves) can be related to the need in cell provision with glutamate, in particular for the proline synthesis. On the following stages of first true and first trifoliate leaf the glutamine synthetase activity was inhibited and even more significant inhibition shows the glutamate synthase activity. Inhibition of GS/GOGAT pathway enzymes activity in the red clover plants under the influence of oil polluted soil conditions with upcoming of following phenological stages can be related with lack of carbohydrates. The decreased activity of enzymes of GS/GOGAT pathway is considered not only as a result of negative effect of oil polluted soil conditions, but also as one of the mechanisms of ammonia assimilation processes regulation.

Keywords: Trifolium pratense L., glutamate synthase activity, glutamine synthetase activity, oil polluted soil

Fiziol. rast. genet.
2018, vol. 50, no. 1, 77-82

Full text and supplemented materials


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